Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bad Tax Cuts AND Good National Security? This is what things COULD look like for the next two years.

Speculation from Greg Sargent. Then again, I trust his guesses better that most people's (Republicans/Teabaggers) so-called facts:

Is a deal taking shape where Republicans would get a temporary extension of all the Bush tax cuts in exchange for GOPers allowing a vote on the New START treaty?

Fingers crossed.

Okay Ft. McHenry crowd, how does this sit with you? Personally, I can live with this, especially is the key word is "temporary" when it comes to an extension of the Bush Tax Cuts.

But I would have loved to see the President roll into the room and say: "Look, until I see a year-long extension of Unmemployment benefits, your rich friends ain't seeing a single dime of tax cuts. Even when you take over the House, I'll veto every Tax cut until the Middle Class gets theirs! Pucker up, buttercup!"

Like I said, I would have loved to see that.

Andrew Sullivan would not:

I know many want Obama to become a liberal partisan firebrand to defeat the crazed Tea Party rhetoric. I reiterate my view that this would be a terrible mistake, and a massive over-reading of the mid-terms. Obama has to recapture those in the middle, especially Independents (like yours truly) who really do want to see a grown-up in Washington offer a serious plan for eliminating the long-term debt. If Obama can do that - and fight for it more aggressively and specifically than he did for health insurance reform - a slowly reviving economy, bolstered by more long-term confidence, will win him a landslide (and save the country's economic future too).

I agree with Sullivan that a play for the middle is vitally important to the President's re-elect chances. Then again, he's got an obsession with the debt that the rest of us on the Left don't have. (No Andrew, deficits do matter, but I'd rather we grow our way out of debt, and it take longer than your fast, quick, knife-in-senior's-and-poor-folks approach).

As important as those Independents are, it would be an equal, catastrophic mistake to completely ignore the President's base. We on the left feel like we haven't been listened to nearly enough. We lost out on the public option during the Health Reform fight. We lost out on adequate Stimulus. We didn't get Employee Free Choice Act. We're still waiting for DADT Repeal (though, that's starting to look good). We didn't get a Clean Energy Bill, and we didn't get Immigration Reform or the DREAM ACT.

That's not to say the 111th Congress was worthless. It wasn't. It did A LOT!: HCR, Stimulus (some better than none), Wall Street Reform, Lilly Ledbetter, and now apparently, Food Safety. As much as they got on our nerves, those guys and gals did historic amounts of good.

All I'm saying is that the left cannot be left completely in the cold these next two years. We need something, and it doesn't have to be legislative. Just deliver some pain to the right, and we'll be happy. The President shouldn't underestimate what a good, swift kick to the balls (Republican balls to be sure) can accomplish.

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