Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"And I said, No..." (VIDEO)

The basic play is the Republicans and Democrats have hashed out a figure of around $33 Billion in cuts. It would be the largest single cut of the Federal Budget in U.S. History, even if we're talking 1-4% of the total budget.

The problem isn't the figure. The problem is three-fold.

One, the Democrats want that number to be at least somewhat temporary, i.e. when they win Congress next time, they don't want to have to pas another law in order to get those cuts restored. Boehner is saying no.

Two, I'm pretty sure Boehner is okay with the $33 Billion number, but his caucus isn't...particularly the incoming Tea-Party Freshmen. They're demanding all of their cuts from H.R. 1, things that the Senate is never going to pass.

Three, Boehner is demanding all his noxious, toxic riders, like the NPR and Planned Parenthood defunding. Democrats are balking at that.

In the end, there is no resolution in sight to any of these problems. The House seems fixed on its solutions, seeming to forget that identical bills must pass the GOP-led House and the Democratic-led Senate. A compromise MUST be in the offing for anything to pass. (That means, we're not going to get everything we want either, fellow Libruls.) But the House GOP is in no mood to compromise, and may actually want a Shutdown. Boehner is cornered. He knows what damage a shutdown will do to both parties (but his in particular). Still, if he doesn't go to balls-to-the-wall to show he fought the White House every step of the way, he'll be ousted as Speaker...and Lord knows, his being Speaker is the most important thing right now, isn't it?

So the GOP's solution? Pass another Continuing Resolution, with 12 Billion in cuts (half a trillion annualized).

Actually, it's not a solution, its a way for the GOP to say "look, we didn't shut down the Government". It's a similiar trick to the one they pulled in 1995.

Apparently, what happened in this video is happened this morning, with Barack Obama playing the role of Jed Bartlett.

He said, no.

Remember, that episode aired about eight years ago.