Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Come December, when the Bipartisan Deficit Commission issues its report, watch the Republicans bring...well...nothing to a knife fight.

The Bipartisan Deficit Commission issues its report in December. Its going to have some painful ideas in it, like tax breaks and benefit reductions. (Of course, that's just rampant speculation on my part. I have no idea what's going to be in the final report, and neither does anyone at the Huffington Post.)

But what is known is that come December, there will be a report.

And...come December, the President will have the framework of a plan to combat the deficit. It will be Bipartisan (hell its in the name of the commission, isn't it?), and it will have specifics.

That's not to say the specifics will be popular even with Democrats. But we'll have a plan.

What will the Republicans have?

Remember, these yahoos have been running all year about the need to fight the deficit.  Only...without saying what they'd do to fight the deficit.

They say they're all about the Deficit, but when you ask them what they'd cut....

Oh yeah, a "plan" to cut Federal Spending by 40 percent, and layoff 7 million Federal workers in the middle of a recession. (Funny, that number accounts for the 3-4 Million jobs saved by the Stimulus and the 3 Million jobs saved by the auto bailout. What are Conservatives trying to make up for lost job-slashing time?)

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