Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Newsweek: Did Senate hopeful Mike Lee just leak the Republicans' master plan?

First things first, Mike Lee is going to be the junior Senator from Utah.

Second, he wants to cut Federal Spending 40 Percent.

Yeah.  You heard me.

Of course, the fact that this'll cut 7 Million Jobs...in the middle of the recession...apparently hasn't occurred to him. (Actually, it probably has, he just doesn't care).

Third, I want to see what happens when the Junior Senator from Utah tries to take away Federal Spending from the Senior-Senior Senator from Arizona, because that'll be fun.

Vital rule of Washington Number 1: There is a Lobby out there for every Federal dollar spent, and they're willing to fight and make someone (namely you) bleed for it.  What do you think Lobbyists do all day?

Remember folks at home...the stuff that you use Federal dollars for is wrong, borderline criminal. What they spend them on is vital, necessary.

It's not about what they're willing to sacrifice, its what they want you to sacrifice.

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