This is country was founded on debate. And even though the debate's gotten a touch bit nasty over the last couple of days, I wholeheartedly support the principle.
So, Conservatives, particularly of the Teabagging/Anti-Tax/Herbert Hoover/24 Percent crowd, say what you want to say. You've got that right. Think what you wanna think. You don't have to like the President. You can even call him names. Lord knows, I've done it to former President Bush. Fair's fair.
But if you're going to call the President names, please dear God, know what the hell you're talking about.
That scene of the CNN Reporter getting in the face (Oh, Lord forgive me) of that Tea-Bagger who was calling the President a Fascist, was embarrassing. Not just for the Tea-Bagger, but for the Reporter as well.
Don't tell him how offensive calling the President a Fascist is. Ask the moron if he even knows what the hell Fascist means?!? Because, clearly, he doesn't.
That scene of the CNN Reporter getting in the face (Oh, Lord forgive me) of that Tea-Bagger who was calling the President a Fascist, was embarrassing. Not just for the Tea-Bagger, but for the Reporter as well.
Don't tell him how offensive calling the President a Fascist is. Ask the moron if he even knows what the hell Fascist means?!? Because, clearly, he doesn't.
What, was he Sarah Palin all the sudden?
Does he understand the words that are coming out of his mouth?? (Chris Tucker, 1998)
Lord knows, y'all didn't understand what the hell Tea-bag meant, so let's start by--
Oh, wait--
--and I'm being told that this is a Family site, and no one wants to read that.
--and I'm being told that while some people to read that, there are sites that'll better serve those needs.
--and I'm being told that this is a Family site, and no one wants to read that.
--and I'm being told that while some people to read that, there are sites that'll better serve those needs.
And no, I'm not linking to any of them.
Let's start with our word of the day: Fascist.
This from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. (I'm using this Dictionary, because it is the first one I thought of. There's also and Wikipedia you can use as well. I figured any Dictionary would provide the simplest definition.)
Let's start with our word of the day: Fascist.
This from the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. (I'm using this Dictionary, because it is the first one I thought of. There's also and Wikipedia you can use as well. I figured any Dictionary would provide the simplest definition.)
Fascism: A political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
I'd like to ask that tool from the CNN Video, if he really thinks he's living in a centralized autocratic government, with the dictatorial leader, and the forcible suppression of opposition???
He does realize that he was just on TV, right? Going out to a national audience calling the President of the United States, the alleged dictator in this scenario, names??
Kinda eliminates the whole forcible suppression thing.
Again...confusing tyranny...with losing.
Next, we move on to our second definition, also from Merriam-Webster.
You do know that the Bailout of the Big Banks was started by George W. Bush right? Your guy? So, if anyone's the Socialist in this scenario, it's your guy, not mine.
Secondly, has the President seized the means of production (as Hugo Chavez actually did in March) anytime anywhere, and we all just missed it?
No. He's continued the program Bush started, and built some roads. (This is a massive simplification of the President's Agenda. The American Investment and Recovery Act is more than building roads. So, no, I haven't forgotten the High Speed Rail, the electronic medical records, or any of the other stuff.)
Third, because it has been used so often as an example of Bank Nationalization, it has been getting folks confused. Thus, let me remind everyone that the land of IKEA, Sweden, IS NOT A SOCIALIST COUNTRY!!!
Again...confusing tyranny...with losing.
Next, we move on to our second definition, also from Merriam-Webster.
Socialism: Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.
You do know that the Bailout of the Big Banks was started by George W. Bush right? Your guy? So, if anyone's the Socialist in this scenario, it's your guy, not mine.
Secondly, has the President seized the means of production (as Hugo Chavez actually did in March) anytime anywhere, and we all just missed it?
No. He's continued the program Bush started, and built some roads. (This is a massive simplification of the President's Agenda. The American Investment and Recovery Act is more than building roads. So, no, I haven't forgotten the High Speed Rail, the electronic medical records, or any of the other stuff.)
Third, because it has been used so often as an example of Bank Nationalization, it has been getting folks confused. Thus, let me remind everyone that the land of IKEA, Sweden, IS NOT A SOCIALIST COUNTRY!!!
Yes, they have Socialized some things in Sweden (Health care being at the top of that list), but they are a Capitalist Economy. There is Private Enterprise in Sweden. It is a Constitutional Monarchy, something I can personally verify to since I lived there when I was four. I still have the postcard they issued when King Carl Gustav XVI was crowned.

Finally, I'd define Communism, but there's barely any difference between it and Marxism as far as I'm concerned. Though I think Communism is far more totalitarian than Socialism, and advocates that there is no private property at all.
Ain't no way Obama's takin' my Blu-Ray Player.
So, to sum up.
Teabaggers of the world, we get it, you don't like President's policies. You don't like the fact he was elected, and frankly, more than a few of you don't like the fact that he's black.
I'm sorry. I've seen the signs. Some of y'all are racists. Deal.
But just because you don't like the President, it doesn't mean you get to make asses of yourselves in the process. And repeatedly misusing and abusing the English language definitely counts as making asses of yourselves!!
Making a Photoshop picture of Obama as Hitler? C'mon. Do I really need to explain, historically, how stupid that is??
You do know that Fascism stands at the extreme of your own Conservative Values, right? (After all, you're the crowd that keeps saying Barack Obama is a liberal). Whereas Socialism stands at the extreme of Left Wing Values (something frankly we know Barack Obama isn't anywhere near).
I hope you've found this discussion helpful. But, let's be honest, you're not going to listen, and you're going wind up doing is driving more and more Independents and Obamacans our way ayway, so keep it up...please.
You do know that Fascism stands at the extreme of your own Conservative Values, right? (After all, you're the crowd that keeps saying Barack Obama is a liberal). Whereas Socialism stands at the extreme of Left Wing Values (something frankly we know Barack Obama isn't anywhere near).
I hope you've found this discussion helpful. But, let's be honest, you're not going to listen, and you're going wind up doing is driving more and more Independents and Obamacans our way ayway, so keep it up...please.
You could try to engage the Democratic Majority to at least try and get some of the things on your wish list, but all know you won't.
Just don't come crying to me when you lose again.
And if you do call me a name, at least use the right word.
Here's one you've been proven fond of; six letters, starting with N.
It's offensive, yeah. But you've proven that you know what it means.