Tuesday, January 6, 2009

TPM: Feinstein says seat Burris!

Not helping.

"I can't imagine the secretary of state countermanding a gubernatorial appointment," Feinstein said. "The question, really, is one in my view of law. And that is, does the governor have the power to make the appointment? And the answer is yes. Is the governor discredited? And the answer is yes. Does that affect his appointment power? And the answer is no until certain things happen."

This from the lady who defended the FISA Legislation...

This from the lady who thought Iraq was a good idea...

This from the lady who voted for Leslie Southwick...

This from the lady who said "Go ahead, Michael Mukasey will be a total departure in the Attorney General's Office."

In my world, because Feinstein's for it, is a good enough reason to be against it.