Friday, September 25, 2009

TPM: White Supremacists know how to buy TV Time...late at night.

So, Orly Taitz's main rival in the Birth--

Naah, let's call it what it is.

Orly Taitz's main rival in the White Supremacist offshoot known as Birtherism has got himself an Informercial. TPM has been doing extensive coverage of the Informercial, complete with a link to the complete program. Video which you will not find here, since I'm not helping their racist !@#% out.

I was going to single out (as I always do) the State of Texas for particular scorn since Lubbock was the first town to air this filth last night. Turns out, I would have been mistaken because (for once) it ain't just Texas. If you are living in one of the following towns, one of your local TV stations may be assisting in an active program to undermine and/or harm the lawfully elected President of the United States:

  • Chattanoga, TN
  • Memphis, TN
  • Shreveport, LA
  • Springfield, MO
  • Abilene, TX
  • Lubbock, TX
  • Macon, GA
  • Savannah, GA
  • Huntsville, AL
  • Jacksonville, FL
  • Tallahasseee, FL

Wow. It is just me, or is this particular branch of Southern California White Power (and they are based mere , airing this thing exclusively below the Mason-Dixon?

Well, you got me. It ain't just me. TPM figured it out a while ago.

Gary Kreep (perfect name, by the way) of the United States Justice Foundation is based out here in SoCal. Where, I don't know. Five'll get you ten that it's somewhere in Orange County.