Thursday, October 14, 2010

Joel Burns of Fort Worth, Texas. We need more Americans like him. (VIDEO)

Too often, we get stuck in a trap that defines heroism in terms that are bigger than life. But most times, heroism is far smaller. It involves someone standing up for his neighbor, speaking out for an unpopular stance, or for an unwanted minority. Sometimes, it even involves laying bare your own painful past, reaching out to someone who's hurting and assuring them it will get better.

The following video is a short speech given at a Fort Worth City Council Meeting (I know, Texas!), and whether you're gay or straight, it's worth 13 minutes of your time.

And that West Texas crowd stood up and applauded him, too. Will wonders never cease.

Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan, who's having a good day today.

My Dad used to keep a card in his office that designated it as a "safe place" for Gay and Lesbian students. I was amazed that a Math Professor need to show a sign like that. But this is why this was important. This is why even small gestures matters.

Update: 11:37am, Pacific: In case you want the 180 degree opposite viewpoint, we have the first part of this interview from The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell:

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