Friday, November 14, 2008

LA Times: Target the Donors...

Word is coming down, courtesy of the L.A. Times that the Gay Community of California is looking for payback:

More than a week after the passage of Proposition 8, activists opposed to the ban on gay marriage have shifted their protests to new arenas -- using boycotts to target businesses and individuals who contributed to the winning side.

Such donor lists are, after all, public information.  I'd feel less comfortable about this tactic if so much of the money hadn't come from out of State.

And now there's word that the head of the Los Angeles Film Festival, Rich Raddon, himself a Mormon, gave $1500 to Yes on 8, and now may be about to lose his job.

It's unfair (and I'm pretty sure illegal) to fire someone for their Political and Religious beliefs...on the other hand, if no one will sit down with you and do business with you, how's he gonna be expected to do his job?

I'm not sure how I feel about this.  This has the stink of McCarthyism about it, but at the same time if I learned that a guy in his position was a racist, or tried to take my rights away, I think I'd be looking for payback, too.

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