Monday, December 8, 2008

Toolwatch: Liberals versus Obama...more made-up Bull!@#$??

Following Hildebrand's piece reminding the hard left that it's not all about them, we have:

David Sirota blathering back to Hildebrand. It's funny reading the TPM story about the Hildebrand piece. Even commenters who agree with Sirota can't stand Sirota...

Thomas Schaller of Salon already afearin' that the Republicans are going to take back the House in 2010.

Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake saying that Caroline Kennedy is just not good enough.

"Obama's Education Pick Sparking Conflict"
reads the Headline at Huffington Post. Never mind the fact that Obama hasn't made a pick, this piece seems to be about the awful, awful choice Obama hasn't made yet.

If you want to point to Obama criticism that I can live with, look no further than Harry Shearer's "What's Missing From Obama's Infrastructure Plan", namely New Orleans. Here at least, we have a case of something that not been discussed, and a New Orleans native asking plainly, what about us?

And in the meantime, we have the Politico doing their damnedest to stir the !#$ up...

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