Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'd like to congratulate the mainstream media for helping to purvey racism... (VIDEO)

Okay, compare and contrast time. You have to watch both videos to get the full, happy effect.

Yesterday at Senator Claire McCaskill's Town Hall, we were shown a Black woman shown being taken away by Police (and the audience cheering happily as it happens) on CNN for all the Nation to see.

Senator McCaskill (D-MO) went so far as to blame the women for "carrying signs that shouldn't have had them."


It's not exactly what happened.

Someone was to blame.

It just wasn't those black women.

What you're seeing (and the tiny-tiny caption embedded in the video describes the action) is that one of the Black women in question had her poster out (apparently of Rosa Parks), then put it away

A local Reporter come by to ask about-slash-take a photo of saidposter, and that's when a random White Man from the audience feels its his right to take this woman's property from her, walk back his seat, and crumple it up.

After he sat down, is when CNN started paying attention.

But I didn't see this on CNN, did I?

I didn't see the white man who started it, being taken away by the Cops on CNN. (Now, granted, perhaps there was some cheering for him getting taken away as well, but that's not how CNN presented it.)

I haven't heard a retraction from Senator McCaskill, have I?

UPDATE (10:48am Pacific): I almost forgot. Laura Dean at Huffington Post was the first to spot this, and deserves maximum credit for this story.