Friday, September 3, 2010

Adam Serwer doesn't understand Eugene Robinson's column.

Here we go again. Liberals are just as capable of misleading their readers as Conservatives are.

The latest example is Adam Serwer's piece, as he subs for Greg Sargent (on Vacation), ripping on Eugene Robinson's column, which I loved:

It's bad form to call the American people "spoiled" because generally that's what pundits do when their side is losing. This column is no exception: Robinson laments the fact that "incredibly, according to Gallup, registered voters say they intend to vote for Republicans over Democrats by an astounding 10-point margin."

That's not what Eugene's point was, and if Mr. Serwer had bothered to read the article past the headline, he would have come across this paragraph:

The nation demands the impossible: quick, painless solutions to long-term, structural problems. While they're running for office, politicians of both parties encourage this kind of magical thinking. When they get into office, they're forced to try to explain that things aren't quite so simple -- that restructuring our economy, renewing the nation's increasingly rickety infrastructure, reforming an unsustainable system of entitlements, redefining America's position in the world and all the other massive challenges that face the country are going to require years of effort. But the American people don't want to hear any of this. They want somebody to make it all better. Now.
Again, Americans are spoiled brats, but not because they're complaining about the state of the economy, it's because they have an unrealistic expectation of how fast things will turn around, and little desire to suffer any pain in the process.

Yes, that makes one, by definition, a spoiled brat.

Read...the damn...column, Mr. Serwer.

I can't wait until Greg comes back from vacation.