Sunday, September 13, 2009

In reference to what I said before...

I take it back, the 60 Minutes interview, wasn't just edited, was cut to ribbons.

For example, portion of the transcript I highlighted is three-quarters of the way down on the first (of eight) page of the Transcript. On video, it's the beginning of the interview.

My gut feeling tells me that they were going to do a full on, two or three segment interview, which would have taken up most of the hour, and instead, they went with their Guiding Light tribute and Ted Kennedy. While you may be able to justify it on a business level, it sure don't help with the Health Care Debate.

And maybe that was the point.

I'm not saying it's bad form. T.V.'s at the mercy of the clock, after all, but some of the better stuff, I felt got left on the editing room floor.