Thursday, September 17, 2009

MSNBC: The President at the University of Marlyand (VIDEO)

Oh Alma Mater.

He wished us good luck in football (against the MTSU Blue Raiders for pity's sake), and said he might rub Testudo's nose.

Forgive the Low-Def feed...apparently...someone at Maryland didn't spring for HD Cameras.

Any comments there, Dad?

UPDATE: 3:54pm Pacific: This is from the Washington Post story, which explains the President's momentary "what's going on there" confusion in the first half of the speech:

The crowd was overwhelmingly friendly to the president -- Obama interrupted his speech to reply, "I love you too," to one person in the audience who had called out to him -- but one heckler caused Obama to briefly pause and ask what the commotion was. The protester was in the back of the arena, however, and the president continued talking. When security officers escorted the man out, the rest of the audience stood and cheered.

No explanation as to why MSNBC chose to edit the speech with that dissolve in the middle.