Monday, October 4, 2010

Mr. "the next six more months in Iraq are critical" has spoken again.

In addition to the likes of Arianna Huffington, Glenn Greenwald, Robert Kuttner, and many others, I've always held a soft spot for Thomas "six more months" Friedman...

Actually, I've always held a soft spot for trying to kick him when he's down, whenever possible.

It's not just the smarmy attitude, the cocksure "I know what's best for you" attitude, it's that he was dead-ass wrong on the Iraq War, and I don't think has admitted it this day.

To be sure, I'd love to spend some more time ripping apart his annual "If only we had a party as reasonable as me" column, but apparently, Jonathan Bernstein beat me to it.

And so did Steve Benen...

...and Dave Weigel...

...and whole mess of others. (Like Erza Klein, and Ta-Neishi Coates...)

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