Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rand Paul doubles down on trying to lose the Kentucky Senate Election

I'm not fooled, I know that Jack Conway may be a Ben Nelson in Democratic Clothing as well, but so far, he hasn't gone completely bat@#$% crazy like Joe Manchin, and he is a hundred times saner than his mega-Libertarian opponent Rand Paul.

Recently, he's been getting his a$$ kicked for suggesting there should be a $2000 dollar deductible on Medicare (i.e., Joe and Jane Taxpayer should be responsible for the first two grand of Medical expenses before the Medicare you paid for kicks in).

Today, Rand Paul doubled-down on that idea:

Obfuscation being the nature of things in political ads, you might expect that when given a chance to talk about the $2,000 deductible scheme, Paul would rattle off the ways Conway took his words out of context or practiced 'gotcha' selective editing in the clip.

You'd be wrong.

On Neil Cavuto's Fox News show today, Paul not only stood by the position Conway said he took on a $2,000 deductible for Medicare, he actually threw gasoline on the fire by suggesting that the deductible should apply to all future beneficiaries 55 years old or younger.

He did wiggle out of it a little bit by suggesting voters like my Dad not have to pay this deductible, while voters like me (and virtually anyone else who has heard of blogging) will get hit with it.

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